Appatella In Press
Here’s a list of references to Appatella in publications, as they come in:
- Judith Bek, Paul S. Holmes, Chesney E. Craig, Zoë C. Franklin, Matthew Sullivan, Jordan Webb, Trevor J. Crawford, Stefan Vogt, Emma Gowen, Ellen Poliakoff, “Action Imagery and Observation in Neurorehabilitation for Parkinson’s Disease (ACTION-PD): Development of a User-Informed Home Training Intervention to Improve Functional Hand Movements”, Parkinson’s Disease, vol. 2021, Article ID 4559519, 14 pages, 2021. DOI:
- Kim Hébert-Losier, Ivana Hanzlíková, Sana Oladi Ghadikolaei, Jessie Janssen, James Selfe, Jim Richards,”An exploration of normative values in New Zealand to inform the Targeted Interventions for Patellofemoral Pain approach”, Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, VOLUME 54, 102399, AUGUST 01, 2021. DOI: