RescueStation, CIC set sail on July 9th 2020, from our previous port, DigitalLabs@MMU a teaching company within Manchester Met, UK.
Our intent:
To bring digital and innovation to the cash-poor and inspiration-rich.
To include early-career digital technologists and apply their energy and enthusiasm to projects-for-good.
To survive in the choppy waters of UK digital industry.
Which we have.
Over the past year, we bailed; we stripped everything out and we hunkered down and we learned.
We now have completed projects to shout about and a new heading to set!
If you’re a charity, grant-funded organisation, not-for-profit or you simply have an idea of a project which can help us all, we’re here for you.
Interested? Have a look at our four-part trilogy of posts on our experiences in digital heritage.
Find out what we can do and how we can help you in your digital voyage here – and for a diving bell to some deep, deep background take a look at the legacy DigitalLabs site, here.